Life often gets in the way of the best-laid plans, so if you’ve had multiple jobs, you need the functional hybrid resume. If you have a history of several short-term jobs, you need to format your resume differently than the traditional set-up.
Need a different kind of resume? Check out Types of Resumes and When to Use Them (With Examples)
First Define Yourself With a Summary
If you’re staying in the same field, then emphasize your time in the industry. This will minimize the fact that you haven’t stayed in one place. This is also a good time to include resume keywords that will get you past the applicant tracking system and in front of a person.
How To Get Your Resume Past The ATS
List Your Skills and Qualifications Related to the Job You’re Interested In
This functional hybrid resume format is best for both job seekers and hiring managers since it will show why you think you’d be the best candidate for the position. List 4-6 core competencies that you possess that are important to your success in the jobs outlined above. They should be skills you currently possess and appropriate for the level you’re applying for. Ideally, you should not only have the skills but be able to include some specific examples or specific numbers showing that you possess those skills.
Still Include a Brief Summary of Previous Employment
Keep this list at the bottom, and smaller than your section of skills and qualifications. This will keep the focus on what you can do, instead of what you’ve done. Unlike a traditional resume, the functional hybrid resume doesn’t use the emphasis on your past jobs. Instead, flesh out the most recent three or four and create a small summary of previous employment section for prior jobs. Make sure to indicate any involuntary hops, such as the company closing or if you were part of a layoff. Don’t include everything – if you only worked somewhere for a few months or less, discussing that in an interview will be awkward. Consider removing positions that were held years ago.
Combine Jobs
If you were a contractor for a period of time, employed by one company for several different positions then you can group those together. This strategy is helpful for freelancers or people working in fields that ebb and flow, such as creative fields. This puts the “function” in a functional hybrid resume.
Keep the Length Short
Having multiple jobs can create very long resumes, so make sure to keep an eye on the length. Your resume needs to be 2 pages in total. If you have less than 10 years of experience, then keep it to 1 page only.
Intimidated? Don’t be! Plenty of people have changed careers! Consider the experience of Julia Child, arguably the most famous cook who would bring French cuisine to the American public. Julia’s resume before her first book came out would have looked something like this, when she was over fifty years old and newly moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts. (Notice that we’ve combined where she had two jobs under one company and had a gap in employment):
Cambridge, MA
Email: jchilds@cordonbleu.com Phone number: 1-234-567-8910
Determined chef who recently moves back to the United States who enjoys both teaching, cooking, and writing.
cooking, teaching cooking, typing, copywriting
L’école des trois gourmandes (The School of the Three Food Lovers),1951-1963
Teacher and founder
Studied with master gourmet chefs, including Max Bugnard
*1946 married and moved to Paris in 1948
Top Secret Researcher
Worked directly for the Head of OSS, General William J. Donovan
- Posted to Kunming, China, where I received the Emblem of Meritorious Civilian Service as head of the Registry of the OSS Secretariat for experimental shark repellent
- Assistant to developers of a shark repellent needed to ensure that sharks would not explode ordinance targeting German U-boats
Typist, promoted in 1942
Took dictation
W & J SLOANE New York City, NY 1934- 1941
Copywriter in Advertising
Left after war broke out and discovering too tall for the Women’s Army Corps (WAC)
Bachelor’s degree from Smith College Major: History, graduated 1934
(Feel free to lookup more of Julia Child’s life here.)
Do you read that and picture an author of seven best-selling cookbooks, regular columnist, and TV star that changed the way people cooked during the 1960s? Or do you see someone with a string of different careers who tried a few things? Your own version of success may be your very next application! Good luck!
Want to make sure you’re ready to change careers?
10 Best Tips for Changing Careers
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